Week #32: PRACTICE - Key Change in Reflective Practice

Here we are in my final week of my Mindlab course and this week's challenge is to talk about my 32 week journey and reflect on the change in my practice using Rolfe’s model of reflection . Step 1 (What): Identify one key change in your professional practice One of the things that came from participating in this course is that I guess it has forced me to actually 'do' the things and 'make' the time required to be an effective practitioner. I have had to find time to research articles, find evidence to back up my theories and learn more about effective teaching styles and theories. This course has been intense and massively time consuming which in hindsight I wouldn't have undertaken considering my already hectic schedule as a Deputy Principal and classroom practitioner. I found myself doubting whether I could actually complete this course and if it weren't for the corroboration and collegial support of a friend and colleague I doubt I would have mana...